It is that time of the month again when I join in with Julie Kirk's
My Month in Numbers and look back at March.
The month got off to a great start with
3 days away with a load of my crafting buddies from The Twilight Addicts social group on UKS.
10 ladies and
2 guys had a great time, eating, drinking and crafting.
Everyone hard at work -
Lee - my lovely table buddy -
How on earth did I manage to get
30 cards made on such a messy desk LOL!!
We all made our goodbyes on the Monday morning and we headed off home after dropping Lee off at the station. Mr P hadn't felt very well during the night and had a bit of a cough that morning - on the way home he said he was feeling dreadful and went straight to bed as soon as we got in. I got stuck into the unpacking and repacking as we were going away again in
3 day's time. By Wednesday it was obvious that Mr P had a good dose of 'flu so I rearranged our shuttle tickets to the Friday to buy him
1 more day in bed - we could still make the Marillion convention by driving straight to the convention site in the Netherlands on the Friday morning instead of a leisurely drive over on the Thursday. Oh dear!!!!! That night I went to bed feeling a little bit unwell and by Thursday morning it was obvious that I had got 'flu too - after a few tears we knew that there was no way we could make the drive of
355 miles, about a
7 hour journey and so we sadly cancelled our places at the convention.
I spent the next
10 days in bed, we drank
9 bottles of Lucozade and got through
3 boxes of Kleenex as we slowly made our recovery. There is no number for the amount of tears that I shed over missing the convention, I was so looking forward to spending
3 days in a Marillion bubble.
BUT the good news is that there is only
8 more sleeps until we get to go to Wolverhampton for the Marillion UK convention - please keep everything crossed that we stay well enough, we will be gutted if we have to miss this covention too.
It is never too late to join in with My Month in Numbers -
Julie explains how to join in on her blog