Monday, 15 February 2016

Memorandum Monday

Just a quick fly in to wave at Sian over at From High in the Sky.

It was a fairly quiet weekend - Mr P is on early turns, so he is early to bed and early to rise with me trying not to be the clumsy oaf fairy elephant that I usually am and be nice and quiet.   As we are busy getting ready for our Spring fundraiser, I spent Saturday evening with mum and dad.  We shared a bottle of wine, I stitched up a load of knitted ladybugs and bubble bees (will share when they are complete) and we generally put the world to rights as  there was nothing on TV.

Sunday was spent preparing a nice Valentines roast dinner to share with Mr P (before he went to bed early) and finishing an 18th birthday album for my youngest nephew.

It was made using clear CD wallets and papers from Fancy Pants 'Swagger' and Crate Paper 'Farmhouse Collection', plus odd stickers and alphabets left over from kits and classes.

Nothing very new happened at the weekend, apart from delivery of this -

Back in 2004 I was invested into the Order of St John as a Serving Sister, I have the full size version of this medal but I never realised that you could have a miniature of the medal to wear on evening dress.  A lovely lady on our evening dining table on the last cruise wore a medal on the formal nights and I was nosey curious enough to ask about it.  It was a MBE and after chatting she told me I must investigate and get myself a miniature of my medal as she said I should be proud of my achievement and wear it.  So here it is - I found a supplier in London who makes miniatures and got one ordered.  And now I need another cruise so that I can wear it on a Captain's formal night LOL!!!

Monday has brought with it all the usual laundry and planning for the week ahead, a fairly quiet week with a visit to the hairdressers and maybe a hospital visit at the end of week.  So time to get back to more planning and creating for the spring fundraiser!!

Have a great week everyone!!


  1. Those a great little albums - what treasures. Have a great week.

  2. What a lovely idea to get a miniature made of your medal - oh yes you should wear with pride. Another cruise sounds perfect idea. Nice of you to make an album for your nephew & I like the bold number pages - he will certainly treasure this album for years to come.

  3. That's a great story about your medal and I definitely think another cruise is in order: it needs to be seen!

    I hope you are having a good week. I'm a bit late here, sorry, as we have been away for a few days,laptop-less


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Karen xx

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