Monday 24 November 2014

Me on Monday

It was a dusting off the sewing machine, lots of fabric cutting, sausage sandwich eating, Strictly watching with Mum (and the odd glass of wine), Erasure gig going kind of weekend.

Monday finds me a little hoarse (maybe too much singing last night???), nothing exciting on the cards today, just a little of this -

And then a lot of this -

Today Mr P did our fortnightly shopping trip and I have to scan it all (for market research) before putting it away.

Go and give Sian at From High in the Sky a wave if you join in with Me on Monday


  1. Waving right back! I think I'll be happily singing Erasure songs for the rest of the week now..Sounds like a good weekend.

    Have a great week!

  2. I had a letter from a company asking me to do that research with my shopping, I'm not sure where I put it now lol. Have a great week Karen x

  3. Always nice to see a bit of sewing. Glad my tutorial was helpful :-)

  4. Shopping research - that probably sounds more appealing than it really is, huh?


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment, I do read all of them and they are really appreciated.

Karen xx

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